Vocal Tract MRI to Speech

Speech production relies on the coordinated action of the vocal cords and the movement of the vocal tract to generate a variety of sounds. The vocal tract transfer function can be used to characterize the acoustic properties of unvoiced and voiced sounds, but most techniques for estimating this function rely solely on audio signals.
For my final project in “Advances in Computer Vision”, I investigated the feasibility of using computer vision techniques to accurately predict the vocal tract transer function coefficients from vocal tract MRI images. I constructed a dataset by employing linear predictive coding to map 2D Sagittal-view MRI frames to vocal tract transfer function coefficients. Subsequently, I developed and evaluate a CNN-RNN architecture trained on these MRI frame and coefficient vector pairs. While my architecture tends to predict the mean coefficients of the datasets, I demonstrate the potential for added generalization capabilities provided by a combined CNN-RNN architecture, as well as the ability to learn meaningful representations for understanding speech production mechanisms through gradCAM activation visualizations.

I implemented a CNN-RNN architecture for a regression task on estimated vocal tract transfer function, leveraging MRI images as inputs. The MRI images and vocal tract transfer functions were obtained through the processing of a multi-speaker dataset of real-time speech production MRI video. Initially, I fine-tuned a ResNet50 architecture to predict the vocal tract transfer function coefficients cor responding to each frame, thereby learning a 256-element embedding of MRI image features. Subsequently, a recur rent neural network with LSTM layers was employed. Its primary objective was to ingest a sequence of MRI frames and capture temporal patterns in the features derived from our pretrained CNN, enabling the prediction of LP coeffi cients for the last time step in the sequence.
Results and Evaluation
While initial visual inspection of predicted frequency responses looked promising, upon closer inspection it became clear that the model was learning and predicting the mean of the dataset.

The means and variances of the predicted coefficients as compared to the actual coefficients further confirmed this suspicion.
When plotting gradCAM activations for the 19 different coefficients, the model seemed to be using anatomically significant regions of images for prediction, for example the throat, soft palate, chin, and lips/nose. This indicates that future work could develop interpretable models which provide valuable insight into the anatomical features crucial for speech production.